
“Thank you so much for your corrections. I enjoyed reading them, learning from them. . . . Albeit you sometimes say  ‘I’m not sure I follow’, you really follow very well in almost all cases, just my wording is not sounding well. . . . In addition, I just want to let you know that I am very happy for your work ethics, preciseness, attention to details, overall professionalism in dealing with this editing task. I have enjoyed every minute of working with your valuable suggestions. You made my day(s)!” G.S. (USA), Close Content Editing

“Just a wee message to say a massive thank you for everything through the years. I honestly couldn’t have done this without you, you are definitely an earth angel. Placement has now finished and my mentor and accessor has said I can join the register. . . . [I] just cannot thank you enough!” K.D. (UK), Project Development

“The results are out and I’m relieved to say I passed everything. I just can’t imagine getting through it without you. So again, a very big thank you!!” N.B. (UK), Academic Mental Health Mentoring/Close Content Editing

“I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for me. It really made a difference and allowed me to see last year through. . . . I am so grateful for all your help and [the] support that you give.” N.L. (UK), Academic Mental Health Mentoring/Study Skills Development

“I don’t know how I would have got this far without your help — I simply do not have words for how valuable it has been, so from the bottom of my heart I want to say thanks . . . [N]ow that I’ve made the changes you suggested, the document has finally come together. I can feel the flow and rhythm of it now where I couldn’t before. And I can also hear my voice for the first time . . . It’s been a long time since I spent money so well.” E.Q. (Ireland), Basic Editing

“Thank you so much, [Reads Well]. You have been a fantastic help and support through all of this [resumption of studies after taking time off].” K.D. (UK), Academic Mental Health Mentoring/Study Skills Development

“I have really struggled at this last hurdle and I am so profoundly appreciative of you[r help] during this time. . . . Thank you, so very much.” N.B. (UK), Academic Mental Health Mentoring/Study Skills Development

“Thank you for the marvelous and thorough job editing the formatting on my paper. . . . I appreciate the work you did for the citations! And you provided very valuable comments throughout.” J.C. (USA), Enhanced Proof Reading

“Thank you so so much for your efficiency — [I] can’t believe you’ve already finished the first three chapters [of my dissertation]! This really helps to allow me more time for the final check . . . Thank you [too] for the great work in bringing clarity and elegance to my writing [and] for your prompt reply [to my questions] and detailed explanation[s] — I’ve learnt so much about academic writing from you!” Y.B. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing 

“Thank you so much — I am forever indebted to you for your attention and care. . . . Your input into the methodology chapter was wonderful — my supervisor could only [make] one baby comment, which I [was] immensely happy about . . . While I haven’t yet gone through all of your comments, I’m amazed at how simply and crisply you can say things. It is really is an art form, this editing thing. I wish I could bottle you and spray you around the place!!!” E.Q. (Ireland), Close Content Editing

“Thanks, this is great, very incisive. . . . Have taken note also of the bullet points you made, which will be very useful for developing the story further. . . . Thank you so much for the super editing.” K.K. (UK), Enhanced Proof Reading

“This looks perfect. . . . Thank you for your careful edits.” J.D. (USA), Project Development

“Thank you so much for your excellent proofreading (as always)! Me and my client are loving [the edited] version [of her personal statement] so much. She said this one was perfect for her.” Y.B. (UK), Project Development

“This is exactly the kind of editing help we needed. I think you’ve done a wonderful job. . . . I look forward to sending you more work soon.” J.D. (USA), Project Development

“Thanks very much for your detailed feedback. It is extremely helpful and much appreciated. I will make the changes you have suggested to my [literature review] before submitting it. Many thanks for your assistance.” E.H. (UK), Basic Editing

“Thank you for going through this [report] and getting it back to me. . . . I can see from a quick scan that your suggestions have been very helpful. It was a document written by multiple authors in different countries and across many drafts, so getting a step back from it to clarify its meaning so that it makes sense is much appreciate[d].” L.M. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“I reviewed your corrections and considered your helpful suggestions. . . . Many thanks. Your changes and suggestions are fine for me and I have followed them all. In fact, I have just sent the article to [a journal for peer review].” M.M. (Italy), Project Development

“Many thanks for again superb work . . . and the very thoughtful and helpful comments – as usual. All is clear to me now.” C.R. (UK) Enhanced Basic Editing

“I am writing to share with you the good news that I have received an offer from the University of Cambridge today. It is like a dream come true, and I cannot thank you enough for your dedicated work to help me reach this goal. I appreciate it so much!” Y.B. (UK), Project Development

“This is so helpful . . . I can now clearly see what key texts I need to ensure I have [cited] in the text and what I need to remove from the referencing section. . . . I cannot stand referencing, but your work is immensely helpful. . . . I really appreciate the amount of hard work you have put into this.” L.T. (UK), Close Content Editing

“I know that it’s not an easy job to reduce word counts. But you’re the best one so far — you always give me useful suggestions for this.” S.S. (UK), Close Content Editing

“[A]s always, you do magical things to our papers. [T]hanks.” H.F. (Saudi Arabia), Project Development

“Well done in you[r] job. Very high quality.” M.A. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“Thank you for your detailed amendments and suggestions. We have successfully submitted the tender now.  Fingers crossed!” C.M. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“I have taken your recommendations on board, and they were extremely useful! Thank you, for your time, effort and patience!” K.D. (UK), Close Content Editing

“Thanks for all your work on [my essay]! I’ve now submitted with a word count of 11,999 [maximum: 12,100; original: 14,305]. I’ve really appreciated all your support and efforts . . . You are very skilled at this work!” C.M. (UK), Project Development

“[T]hank you for all of your help this year, it has been very useful in terms of organising my assignments and creating plans, as well as considering different approaches to writing assignments. This support service is something I wish I [had] applied for during my undergraduate studies, it would have made things more manageable.” J.M. (UK), Bespoke Academic Support

“Many thanks for your efforts. After checking the documents, your proofreading service looks entirely professional. I am pleased with your help.” M.F. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“Thank you very much again for your hard work correcting my text. I like your way of commenting and correcting, I see your professionalism, tact, and I try to learn from your insights. It is a joyful journey to read your comments.” G.S. (USA), Enhanced Substantive Editing

“Many thanks for going through [my] chapter in such detail and in a short time when you are so busy, I really appreciate it.” S.G. (UK), Enhanced Substantive Editing

“I spent the whole day today reading [your comments] and revising [my personal statement.] I was greatly surprised by your professionalism and care, your editing level is so strong. [. . .] I am really lucky to have your help, thank you again for your great work! I will definitely recommend you to all of my friends and my clients.” Y.B. (UK), Project Development

“Thank you so much for the help. I love the changes [you suggested] on the paper, I just finished [implementing] them. Very nice to work with you.” M.K. (UK), Enhanced Substantive Editing

“Thank you — [your] edits helped me a lot.” H.G. (China), Enhanced Substantive Editing

“Everything that you wrote on my personal statement made complete sense — I just couldn’t see these things after looking at it for so long! . . . I just submitted my application. I felt so much more confident submitting after your suggestions — thank you so much, this is a huge weight off my chest.” F.L. (UK), Project Development 

“Thank you so much, Reads Well, your work was really great. I am really lucky to work with you and of course I will keep in touch . . . . Thank you once again.” H.A. (Saudi Arabia), Project Development

“Thank you so much, as always. Every time I read your feedback, [it] just makes me feel safe and satisfied. . . . [Y]ou explained [everything] very clearly [so I] will not need further feedback.” Y.Y. (China), Project Development

“Thanks a million for your work on this — [it] makes a huge difference to the finished product. Thanks for doing this work; it brings a lot of reassurance to the process. I am so happy with it.” A.M. (UK), Reformatting, Proof Reading & Close Content Editing

“Thank you for your amazing work.” B.Y. (UK), Enhanced Substantive Editing

“This looks wonderful and really improves the readability of the content and is now much more coherent. I love it! Thanks so much for all your work on this — you always understand my vision. I look forward to working with you again in the future.” A.M. (UK), Project Development

“Just to let you know that I’ve gone through your corrections/suggestions and everything was crystal clear. Thank you for all the amendments and comments!” M.W. (Sweden), Enhanced Proof Reading

“Just to update you, I am delighted [to report that] I was awarded a distinction overall in my masters. . . . I received 65% [on my independent research project]. I’m very happy with it overall and think the feedback was fair. . . . Thanks so much for all your help. I won’t hesitate to recommend you or request your services again in the future.” N.M. (UK), Project Development

“I was ‘snagged’ by the quantity & quality of your comments . . . . I like each of them, and indeed they reflect how [much] effort and thoughts was put into them. Words can’t express my thanks.” H.A. (UK), Close Content Editing

“I would like to let you know, that I actually got a very good grade for my [most recent assignment], with complements for style, which I don’t deserve. So, I am going to pass them on to you! . . . All the best and thank you for your great service!” E.C. (UK), Substantive Editing

“Thank you for your excellent proofreading within the short available time.” F.A. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“I would like to express my thank[s] for your great efforts. I look forward to working with you [again] in the future.” A.A. (Saudi Arabia), Close Content Editing

“Thank you so much. I have received the [edited copy and] every example that you numbered is exactly what I wanted to say but my lack of English vocabulary changed the whole content of my dissertation. You have hit the nail on the head. . . . You have been awesome and on my graduation day I will definitely remember everything you have done for me.” D.D. (UK), Close Content Editing

“[Y]ou have always done a fantastic job and improved my writing enormously; because of you I know how valuable a great editor is.” C.R. (UK), Substantive Editing

“Thank you so much for your feedback! You have picked up on some of the areas I was concerned about . . .  and I think will need more explanation. Really helpful and I will rework. Thank you!!” K.M. (UK), Project Development

“This is to say thank you for all your support throughout my studies. Sometimes you went beyond your normal service and gave me invaluable support and I don’t know how I would have completed this course without your help. I sincerely appreciate [it].” A.A. (UK), Project Development

“Thank you once more for your correcting work. Your corrections are impressive in their scope and depth, and I enjoyed reading them and, I want to believe, trying to learn from them for my future texts.” G.S. (USA), Enhanced Substantive Editing

“Many thanks for your tremendous help. I can honestly say you have been a massive help and a golden find. All is just perfect and I would like to thank you for you speedy help.” R.Z. (UK), Word Processing/Proof Reading

“Thank you so much for your detailed comments and all of your suggestions. It has really helped me with this assignment and I wish I would have known of you and your services over the last two years!” K.M. (UK), Close Content Editing

“Thank you so much for your help with this editing business.  I am going through the work and can see clearly where things could be improved.  Even in comparison to [the in-house editor’s] comments, I have found your comments [more] detailed and easier to follow.” C.D. (UK), Project Development

“I [am] very happy with the service [I received] and would like to use it again. . . . I scored 74% on the last essay which was 5% improvement from my best score last year, so I am very grateful for your work, as some things I just cannot improve on my own.” E.G. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“Thank you very much. Very pleased again with your work and suggestions.” B.J. (UK), Substantive Editing

“I am very pleased with the [service you provided]. . . . Thank you so much for everything.” N.W. (UK), Close Content Editing/Reference Checking

“Thank you so much, Reads Well. Everything is very clear. You have done an impressive job with [my Bibliography]. I cannot thank you enough.” O.A. (UK), Close Content Editing/Reference Checking

“Thank you for all your hard work and all the helpful comments about my essay. I’ve taken them all on board and adjusted the text accordingly. I will definitely use your services in the future. I wish I could write like you!” E.G. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“Thanks much for this help. This [personal statement to accompany a job application] has become much better [to] read now.” Y.P. (UK), Project Development

“Many thanks for [your work on my book proposal]. I can say with certainty that you are the best editor I have ever had.” C.R. (UK), Basic Editing

“I received my mark back from [the assessor]. . . . I’m very happy with [their] feedback and the distinction grade. . . . I really value all of your feedback and input. It makes an enormous difference. I am really grateful for your help.” N.M. (UK), Close Content Editing

“Thank you for everything you have done and helped me with. Without your help this year I don’t think I [would] have a hope of passing but thanks to you, now I do! I really appreciate all the help, advice and support you [have] given me. I know the next person you tutor will be blessed to have you.” A.H. (UK), GCSE & A Level Support

“Many thanks for your explanations, very detailed. Now, I’m clear with those revisions. And it is always nice to work with you.” R.W. (UK), Substantive Editing

“Thank you for your wonderful professional support on [my thesis]. I have no questions, and will just refine my writing based on your comments/guidance.” Y.P. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“I cannot thank you enough for this.  You have done a perfect job with the manuscript.” O.A. (UK), Basic Editing

“Thank you so much for your help. [My abstract] reads much nicer now and [is] limited to within 2000 characters.” Y.P. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“I got my grade back — I am surprised and delighted with how high it is. Undoubtedly you played a big part in helping me restructure [my report] and make the language more impactful, clear and concise. Thank you again!” N.M. (UK), Enhanced Substantive Editing

“I am writing to say Thank You for your excellent work. I have received my draft essay and read all your comments. Thank You very much for your suggestions and comments, they are very helpful.” J.C. (UK), Basic Editing

“I got my dissertation grade today: 80%. This is the highest mark I’ve had in any of the modules through my time at uni. My average mark over all of the modules is 69.333333%. I hope they bump my grade up to 70% for a first. Your help, advice and tutoring in general has been of great benefit. Thanks.” B.J. (UK), Project Development

“Thank you very much for your service. I have briefly gone through the corrections and comments you made, and I am very happy with it. I feel the money has been well spent on this. I will contact you [as suggested] if I have any queries about your comments.” A.Z. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“Thanks again. [My document] is clearer now and I found your comments helpful. I have really enjoyed our working relationship.” A.A. (UK), Project Development

“In the months that you’ve tutored me, I feel that my style and analysis have improved immensely, and that is very much a result of our sessions. . . . Thank you so much for everything.” G.J. (UK), GCSE and A Level Support

“I have gone through your comments and all is clear. Many thanks for your careful editing.” C.R. (UK), Substantive Editing

“Many thanks for your service, [it is] very good.” R.W. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“Thank you very, very, very much, [Reads Well]! I do appreciate your work and kindness.” R.A. (UK), Project Development

“Thank you very much for the document and all the comments included, which are very clear and useful for me.” M.M. (Italy), Substantive Editing

Thanks very much for your hard work on [my article]. It reads much better now. I really liked the way you rephrased my responses [to the editors’ feedback] –- [it] sounds much better now . . . I am so happy that you managed to cut down [the number of] words.” S.S. (UK), Enhanced Substantive Editing

Many thanks for all your help and time in reviewing the thesis. Your suggestions and corrections have been very useful.” V.S. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

“Thank you so much! Amazing feedback as usual and lots of little grammatical errors I either didn’t notice or wouldn’t even have picked out as errors. . . . You’re a gem!” G.J. (UK), GCSE & A Level Support

[T]hank you for your efforts. The provisional results showed that I got 70 on my dissertation, [which] I think is a good mark [for] a non-native student [who] came from a totally different educational system. You are a professional worker. Thank you.” O.S. (UK), Substantive Editing

I have at last gone through the [manuscript] carefully and must tell you that most of your recommended changes I have taken on board. I have no questions. I am currently writing another book and will be in touch with you again in due course. Thanks again.” S.B. (UK), Enhanced Proof Reading

This looks great, [Reads Well]. Many thanks for proofing the document so thoroughly.” M.O. (UK), Proof Reading

Nice one, [Reads Well]! You made it [possible for me to meet my deadline] at such short [notice]. Well done and appreciated.” A.A. (UK), Project Development

Thank you for the work you have done. [My son] was very pleased as you managed to keep his language but polished it up to a high degree. Also the fact that it was carried out so promptly is much appreciated.” M.M. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

I would like to let you know that the outcome of the differentiation was positive, I have passed with the panel recommendation that my performance is v. satisfactory and that I am permitted to proceed to the next stage. . . . Thank you for your help, looking forward to continuing working with you. Your service is appreciated and I will definitely recommend it to my colleagues.” F.A. (UK), Project Development

[T]hank you very much for contributing to our ‘Tutoring for Success’ event last Friday. The students commented that it was extremely interesting and helpful talking to you.” G.M. (UK), GCSE & A Level Support

Thank you. As always, your proofreading is the best!” N.K. (UK), Substantive Editing

“Just letting you know that I got good feedback on [my] essay . . . I am yet to receive my mark, however [the tutor] implied that I should be very happy with my work. I appreciate you[r] input.” R.J. (UK), Project Development

[Your] feedback is really useful . . . . Our meeting helped me to move forward and get [the chapter] done! . . . Thanks again.” A.M. (UK), Project Development

Thank you very much . . . I am happy about [what] you did and indeed appreciate your perfect work and professionalism.” M.T. (UK), Enhanced Basic Editing

Thank you for your promptness in amending my essay within this short frame of time. I have reviewed the document and I am okay with the adjustment you have made. I won’t be sending a [revised] draft to you for a review. I am very satisfied with what you did on it.” A.A. (UK), Close Content Editing

Thank you for your valuable comments. . . . I am reviewing them [now] and trying to add more thoughts based on your valuable suggestions.” A.B. (UK), Project Development (UCAS Statement)

Thank you for your comments. I tried my best to add more supporting ideas . . . I really appreciate your help and time.” M.A. (UK), Project Development

“The adjustments you suggested were perfect, and the updated essay blew me away! Fingers crossed for a first-class mark! This essay [is] worth 90%!” D.A. (UK), Substantive Editing

“[Y]ou worked on one of my articles . . . last year, and frankly speaking you did a great job. [Another] article is attached.” M.M. (Turkey), Substantive Editing

“Thank you so much for all your wonderful help.” I.H. (UK), Basic Editing

“Thanks again for all of your input, constructive criticism, time, effort, patience and everything else that went into this project. It has really helped!! Research Proposals are known to be difficult and this service has been of great benefit to me in every aspect. I can’t thank you enough . . . . The process has been of great benefit to the project and the feedback [and] advice [have] been top class! I will definitely be in touch when the next semester’s projects begin.” B.J. (UK), Project Development

[T]hank you so much for your input! [Whichever version of the content] I choose I know for sure it will sound outstanding and look great on the webpage. I look forward to future collaboration with you!” M.M. (USA), Project Development

“Great thanks for your email [with edited document attached]. . . . I appreciate what you did.  I [may] have another chapter [to] discuss [with you soon]. I only prefer your work, not someone else[‘s].” F.G. (UK), Close Content Editing

“Many thanks! The notes are perfect and easy to understand. There are no concerns at all, and no questions!” D.A. (UK), Basic Editing

“Thank you so much, [the revised copy] is just perfect. . . . [T]hanks for all your care, even to explaining [the relevant law] fully. Thank you again.” M.L. (UK), Basic Editing

“I just thought I would let you know that I got three B’s (including a ‘B’ in my English resit and A2 paper). I have also been accepted into Queen’s for my firm choice. Can I just say thanks very much for all your help. I couldn’t have done it without you.” G.A. (UK), GCSE & A Level Support

Thank you very much [for your feedback on my article]. I haven’t gone through the whole text yet, but it seems brilliant and exactly what I needed.” M.A. (UK), Basic Editing

“Many thanks for your . . . truly high level of professionalism, which you definitely seem to take seriously. I am very impressed.” A.S. (Saudi Arabia), Basic Editing

“I just wanted to again extend my thanks to you for your assistance in the refining of my thesis back in June.  The viva is [now] done and dusted and the corrections have been made. Once again, thanks.” P.K. (UK), Basic Editing

“I really appreciate all of the help that you have given me. . . . Thanks again for everything.” A.M. (UK), GCSE & A-Level Support

“You are so nice to have completed [editing my document] so quickly! Thank you [too] for your kindness [in providing additional support at no extra charge]. I hope to collaborate with you again.” J.X. (China), Close Content Editing

“Your revised [version of my personal statement] is fabulous! I like it very much; hope the admission officer likes it as well, lol. I should give you a BIG THANKS . . . with your help, I learned so much . . . I [even told] my parents that you are so helpful! L.F. (UK), Project Development

“Thank you so much for your suggestions and patience. I really appreciate you!” Y.X. (UK), Close Content Editing

“Just got my results – got an 80!! Thank you very much for all your help and support. I owe most of it to you.” M.M. (UK), Project Development

“I just received your email and found the revised content really AMAZING. I will continue to use Reads Well in the future definitely.” J.W. (China), Project Development

“Thank you so much for everything . . . the changes you’ve suggested have been brilliant and it’s a much better report now.” L.T. (UK), Basic Editing

“It was a great service, and thank you very much for turning [my document] around so quickly.” M.Q. (Ireland), Basic Editing

“Thank you for your corrections. I liked them a lot. You have a [clear] idea what [admissions officers] want and expect the applicants to write so that they would provide a scholarship to them.” G.P. (Russia), Close Content Editing

“Thank you very much for your help. I am very impressed . . . I will certainly let my friends know [about your service].” P.M. (UK), Close Content Editing

“Thank you for your guidance so far, it really helped me find something to write about. Thank you for your excellent service. ” D.P. (Germany), Close Content Editing

“Thank you so much for the streamlined structure, case study elements and timetable.  It’s as if you’ve mirrored the mixed-up thoughts in my head into something that reads well, is fluent, professional and academic.” P.T. (UK), Project Development

“Many thanks for your corrections . . . now my personal statement is in so much a better form.” T.X. (China), Close Content Editing

“Thank you very much for sending the edited version. The comments are very helpful and I have made the changes accordingly . . . Your help is highly appreciated.” A.T. (UK), Basic Editing

“Thank you so much for [your feedback]. I really appreciate that you took the time to go through the plan [so carefully].” C.H. (UK), Project Development

“Thank you so much for all your help [and] for your patience . . . All your notes were much appreciated . . . I’m so grateful [for your time and effort]. . . I couldn’t have done it without you.” A.R. (UK), Proofreading

“A big thank you for your time, effort and patience checking my assignment. Your help, advice and support over these last few weeks have been invaluable.” M.P. (UK), Proofreading

“Got a B on my assignment — well pleased, thanks again!” D.C. (UK), Proofreading

“If it were not for your understanding and encouragement, my thesis, like all my other essays, would just be a series of awkward sentences plagued with countless grammar mistakes and far too many Americanisms. I cannot thank you enough for your assistance.” A.R. (UK), Project Development

“Thank you very much for the proofread edition of my dissertation. It was of great quality and will benefit the overall quality of my work greatly. I will not hesitate to seek your services in my further doctoral studies! Thank you very much for your excellent service.” B.K. (UK), Proofreading

“I couldn’t put a price on your feedback. It has helped me to bring my work up a level to the standard that is required. I have got more out of your feedback than I have got out of my own supervisors.” C.D. (UK), Project Development

“Thank you so much for such detailed notes. Over the last three months I’ve had a workshop with Francesca Lia Bloc online and a face-to-face workshop and conferences with Amy Hempel and your notes put their work to shame.” J.J. (USA), Close Content Editing

“Good grief, Reads Well, that’s much more than I expected and I thank you SO much! This is a tremendous help!” T. C. (UK), Close Content Editing

“Thanks to you, my job application materials are polished and more professional. By following the suggested deletions and revisions, my chances for employment have been greatly enhanced.” Y.C. (USA), Basic Editing

“Reads Well has given us invaluable advice in relation to the design and content of our presentations and campaign material.” M. O’Rourke (SIPTU, Belfast), Project Development

“Glad to say I passed the last exam paper.  Thank you for all your help.” M.P. (UK), Proofreading

“I am amazed how much work you have done [on my paper] and I learned a lot from [your feedback], too.  I will definitely contact you again  once I get my second paper prepared.” J.T. (Belfast), Close Content Editing

“Thanks a lot for your help and support. It helped me a lot.” D.V. (UK), Proofreading
“Thanks a million, Reads Well!” C.M. (UK), Project Development (UCAS Statement)

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