Note-Taking Support at Meetings and Workshops
ensuring you miss as little as possible

Whether you work for yourself or in your community, meetings are sure to be one way you do business.

Having a clear, comprehensive and reliable record of who says what and what is agreed at such meetings is crucial – but taking notes can keep you from participating fully, particularly when you’re the chair or facilitator of the event.   In the case of conferences and other events with parallel programming, or when you are understaffed, attending one speaker’s presentation may mean you miss another, equally important opportunity to network or follow developments in your field.

Reads Well can ensure you miss as little as possible.  Our Note Takers will meet with you to discuss your requirements before attending the event, either with you or on your behalf.  Notes can be taken by hand, typed up subsequently and returned to you within an agreed time frame, or prepared on laptop during the event and downloaded to a memory stick you provide, for you to take with you as you leave.

THIS SERVICE IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.   Any handwritten notes are returned to you with the final document, and nothing discussed at any event will be shared with anyone without your consent. Contact Reads Well for full details, and to discuss your requirements.

Related Services

Note Takers also are available to assist those attending Court, Tribunal, Inquiries & Appeals or other legal proceedings as well as Medical Appointments. Follow the links for more details.

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